Who: Parents of Children Ages 0-16 years old
What: Parenting classes for all. Childcare and snacks provided.
Where: Beacon Hill International Elementary School, 2025 14th Ave S
When: Monday evenings 6:30 – 8:00 pm (see full schedule below)
Cost: FREE
Come learn with other parents to find commonsense solutions to everyday problems in raising our children with Parent Educator & Author, Mary Dalton, MA.
“I am an older parent and a veteran elementary teacher. I thought I knew how to parent well…I don’t. Dalton’s parenting classes are helping me break old habits so that I can stop undermining my son by micromanaging him, and instead, raise a compassionate, responsible and independent man who will help shape a better society.”
– Marjorie Lamarre, John Muir Elementary Teacher & Parent

About Mary Dalton
Mary holds a BA in Education and Counseling from Governors State University, Illinois, an MA in Counseling and Psychology from Vermont College and a Certificate in Child Development from the Alfred Adler Institute of Chicago. She has taught thousands of parents and educators. She taught at DePaul University and Columbia University in Chicago, and West- ern Washington University. She is the author of It’s Not in the Genes, the mother of six and grandmother of 13. Mary is an activist, lecturer and educator who has worked for over 40 years with thousands of parents, grandparents, teachers and teens concerning the struggles and challenges of raising our children.