Open Concept

The school building was designed in the Open Concept method that fosters teacher collaboration and cross-age instruction. Classrooms are grouped into Pods, and there are few walls and doors in the building. Students and teachers work hard to keep noise disruptions to a minimum, and follow these hallway and classroom guidelines:

  • Level 1 silence
  • Level 2 whisper
  • Level 3 group work
  • Level 4 outside voice
  • Level 5 emergency voice


Classrooms are grouped into clusters, or Pods. Students typically move from their “homeroom” morning pod to their afternoon pod before lunch.

K Pod – Kindergarten & K/1 Mandarin Immersion

A Pod – 1st Grade & K/1 Spanish Immersion

B Pod – 2nd Grade/3rd Grade

C Pod – 4th Grade/5th Grade & 4th/5th Grade Spanish and Mandarin Immersion

D Pod – 4th Grade/5th Grade

E Pod – 2nd Grade/3rd Grade & 2nd/3rd Grade Spanish and Mandarin Immersion

Building Security

We all want to provide our students with safe learning environments.  

All school doors remain locked during school hours 8:00 a.m. – 2:25 p.m.
All visitors, please enter through the front door at the main office.
Staff and students are NOT allowed to open doors for visitors.

To enter the school building:

  • Ring the bell located to the right of the front doors on 14th Ave. South.
  • While facing the bell, identify yourself to the front desk staff.
  • Sign in at the front office and wear a visitor sticker or badge if you are going to stay in the building.
  • Sign out when you leave.
  • Please do not ask students or teachers to let you in through other doors of the building. It is against school policy.