Art Studio Recycle CenterNow collecting your best junk!!

Don’t throw it away – bring it to the recycle center outside Ms. Logel’s Art Room! (Don’t know where the Art Room is? Check the map on page 3 of your School Handbook.)

CARDBOARD: Small boxes that would fit in the recycle center drawers, inserts or interesting cardboard pieces, large boxes can be cut into square or rectangles. Trying to keep sizes under control this year due to space.

PLASTIC: CLEAN Bottle caps and lids in all sizes, small plastic containers-yogurt cups, applesauce/babyfood pouch tops, straws.

OTHER REQUESTS: Fabric, yarn, collections of any sort that could be made into art – old keys, wire, metal pieces, stickers, foils, decorative papers.

OLD MARKERS! We are also participating in the Crayola ColorCycle program to recycle old markers. We’ll take any type of marker – not just Crayola. Highlighters and even dry erase markers! Caps and all can go in the COLORCYCLE BOX outside the art room. They send us free shipping labels and recycle them.

The ColorCycle program has repurposed more than 70 tons of expended markers in the United States and Canada since 2013, and uses the most advanced plastic conversion technologies available today to make wax compounds for asphalt and roofing shingles as well as to generate electricity that can be used to heat homes, cook food, and power vehicles.


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